Department of Public Safety

E-9-1-1: Who We Serve

Mercer County covers a total area of approximately 683 square miles, with a population of 116,638 (2010) census). of the 683 square miles, approximately 51% is comprised of small moderately dense developed cities, with the rest of the county comprised of farmland, forest, and non-farm residential areas.

Mercer County is divided into a combination of 48 municipalities. The 911 center dispatches for 16 police departments (including Pennsylvania State Police where you will be transferred to the stat police dispatcher), 25 Fire departments and the 5 ambulance companies

For a list of all Police/Fire agencies and administrative phone numbers click on the link below 

Mercer County Police Departments Mercer County Fire Agencies Mercer County Ambulance Services

911 Home 9-1-1 Contacts / E-mail Equipment 9-1-1 Education 9-1-1 Links