Voter Registration And Election Information

Guidance for Poll Watchers

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All watchers must be a registered voter in Mercer County and have a certificate originally issued by the County.

  • Certificates must be filled out in their entirety and are not transferable.
  • Watchers can petition the Court of Common Pleas to replace a lost certificate.

Watchers should present their certificate and identification to the Judge of Elections. Any questions about a watcher’s identity can be addressed by calling the Elections Office.

Candidates can appoint two (2) watchers per precinct and parties three (3) watchers per precinct for the General Election. Only one (1) watcher can be present inside the polling place at one time during the election.  All appointed watchers can be inside the polling place when the polls are opening and closing.

Allowable Activities

Watchers must be allowed into the polling location when poll workers arrive, if requested, and can remain during closing.

Watchers can make or bring their own list of voters and can challenge any person checking in to vote and to require proof of their qualifications. Such challenges should be directed to the Judge of Elections and not to the voter.

Watchers must be allowed to hear the names being called.

  • Watches MUST not sit at the check-in table. They should be a reasonable distance from the person working the poll book.

Watchers can inspect (but cannot photograph) the Poll Book and either of the Numbered List of Voters, but only if there are no voters in the polling place.

  • Watchers cannot touch the Poll Book or Numbered Lists.
  • The inspection must be observed by the Judge of Elections or another worker and the watcher cannot remove items from the poll workers' table.

Prohibited Activities

Watchers may not:

  • enter the space behind the check-in table where ballots are cast and counted.
  • engage in any electioneering activities inside the polling location.
  • request any materials from the Election Board members.